A section dedicated to music and performance in contemporary art will be presented for the first time in Monaco this year with “Weapons Exhibition“, curated by legendary techno producer Jeff Mills.

This second edition of “Weapons” will take place on April 28th and 29th at the Art Fair Monte Carlo in Monaco, at the Grimaldi Forum Monaco under the High Patronage of Prince Albert II of Monaco.

The exhibition is described as “a collection of artifacts and art extracted from his conceptual and live performance projects spanning over the past decade”, and will feature a host musical compositions, videos, installations and sculptures from across Jeff Mills’ artistic career as well as a series of works created especially for the exhibition.

Mills explaining the concept behind the project says: “Music has always been used as a weapon. In the mid-1980’s a form of dance music, known as techno emerged as the need to stand up and speak out intensified, technology became cheaper more accessible to the average person, giving them the ability to construct a new type of art form and industry from mixing ideas and visions – a genre that is based on like-mindedness and shared perceptions about the world and the degree in which it spins.

Adding: “This 2nd edition of Weapons addresses perception and how we might view things differently, if we choose to re-focus. Like the affects of what happens when a bomb is dropped, it explores the collateral damage of Techno music and how new types of transmissions are imagined, synthesized and relayed on more progressive and unpredictable terms“.


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