House of Frankie meets Kerri Chandler at WALL Milano

We had the pleasure to meet Kerri Chandler during his gig at WALL Milano and had a chat with him.

The night between 31 October and 1 November we celebrate Halloween.

This festival has Celtic origins and throughout the years from US to the entire world it has played a very significant commercial role, starting with children’s costume parades, trick or treat, to all the hanging stores decorations like pumpkins or spider webs. So where to spend my Halloween night?

Undoubtedly at the WALL Club in Milan! Special guest: Kerri Chandler.

I’ve been knowing the Wall Club for a long time, it is one of the best underground clubs in Italy with a great sound system, an excellent service and a musically “well-educated” clientele. Once you enter this place, the feeling is that of a typical international club, the lighting design is impressive, accurately displayed and efficient. But what really matters is the music. A sold out club full of positive energy. When I get in, the owner Mauro Sangregorio welcomes me and my staff from House of Frankie with so much courteousness like only real professionals can do. Meanwhile, at the console, Antonio D’amato warms up the dance floor waiting for Kerri Chandler who, at 2.30am, finally turns up.

Kerri Chandler doesn’t need any introduction. He gets to the console, tries the keyboard and gets ready for his dj set. I’m wearing House of Frankie t-shirt so once he sees me, he suddenly recognize me and comes up to me. After a warm hug we arrange the interview for the end of the show. Kerri Chandler is a complete artist, in fact while he mixes the music he plays the keyboard generating new sounds. He never keeps his smile away and is always grateful to his fans doing the gesture of praying hands. His sound is pure House, a technique that only a few Djs can be compared with. The Wall’s audience stands on the dance floor until 5.30am. Kerri Chandler plays his last record, the lights are on and finally it’s time for our interview:

House of Frankie, tonight we are here at the Wall Club in Milan with Kerri Chandler.

Thank you so much. I had a wonderful time during this Halloween night. It was amazing!

Yes, tonight, in Milan, it was really beautiful. What you can tell us about your performance?

It’s like coming home. Just like coming home!

Is there any project that you’re working on right now?

I’m working on an album for the next year, and I’m just having a blast, we’re just travelling and loving everything. It’s so much fun! I love Italy, it has been my home for like 25 years now. I’ve been back and forth for so long and I love it so much.

We are a new underground radio station, officially starting from January 2017, dedicated to Frankie Knuckles, that’s why HOUSE of Frankie.

Oh he’s my family. I’ve never imagined myself without Frankie, so it has been strange for the last couples of years, it’s like I’m going to see him somewhere, but actually I won’t. So it’s really weird for me. I love them but just seeing how David and everyone else reacted, those are my brothers, David and Frankie taught me a lot.

Thank you to Kerri Chandler for this beautiful night.

Thank you. I’m so happy to be here.

-Alessandro Mele


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