Caren Kelleher, founder of Gold Rush Vinyl, plans to open a new 8,400 square-foot record pressing plant in North Austin for independent artists, reports the Austin American Statesman.

Kelleher plans to open it in December, after the equipment arrives from Canada company Viryl Technologies, a leading company in the record pressing technology sector.

We’re going to focus on special orders, working primarily with independent artists interested in printing up to 1,000 copies. Other plants can print more than that,” said Kelleher.

Streaming services really made up the majority of music sales in the United States last year, but vinyl’s popularity continue more and more to surge. The vinyl indeed has been making a global comeback as it attracts not only nostalgic older consumers but also younger generations.

One of the things that surprised me about being a manager and watching people buy vinyl is how young the people are,” Kelleher said. “It’s not just an audiophile explosion. This is people wanting to own a piece of art from a band they like.

The news follows that of pressing plants opening in Japan and in Australia.

Head to Gold Rush Vinyl’s site for more info.


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