Pacha Under Investigation For Dancers Impersonating Policemen at Reopening Party

The political party Movimiento Ciudadano EPIC wants an official apology.

Ibiza’s Pacha nightclub is under investigation over two go-go dancers dressed as policemen during the Reopening Party.

On May 4th, two men, dressed in the uniform of local police took VIP guests from the Pacha Hotel to the reopening night, followed them into the iconic venue and then jumped on the central podium and ordered to turn off the music. Few moments after the crowd began whistling at them, the music came back and the two “cops” started dancing on the stage.

They were professional dancers hired to kickstart the evening’s entertainment, but according to Article 402 of the penal code, it is against the law to impersonate a public official and can carry a custodial sentence of up to three years. The two dancers have been witnessed by two legitimate police officers who reported them to the local council, who passed it on to the prosecutor’s office.

The political party Movimiento Ciudadano EPIC has requested an official apology from Pacha, which just stated that the uniforms weren’t official, indeed made by their costume department and that they lacked official badges.

Head here to watch the video of the dancing “cops”!


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