Into the Factory is a totally new festival outside of Stockholm, Sweden, taking place August 10–12 2017. The musical focus will be on the thriving advanced electronic music scene.

Eight acts have been added to the lineup for the first edition of Into The Factory.

Into The Factory will be held at an abandoned cement factory. It’s one of six new festivals being hosted by the crew behind Into The Valley. (Other locations include South Africa and Estonia.) The festival’s second batch of names includes DJs like Andrew Weatherall, Moodymann and Sonja Moonear as well as live acts Sebastian Mullaert and SHXCXCHCXSH. In total 70 artists will perform at the festival. (Previously confirmed names include DVS1, Mathew Jonson and Nastia.)

The venue is called Stora Vika, an industrial park, far away from domiciliation. The buildings and the silos will still be there, but the perception of them will totally change when adding sounds, lights and art to the area. Just like the sister festivals, nothing is left to chance when it comes to the whole experience. Music, art, technology, food and beverage are very important components here. The industrial impression, and the area surrounding it, together with the concept for this festival will definitely create a unique feeling.




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