Rush Hour to release 6LP retrospective of Ron Trent’s Prescription label

The legendary Prescription Records defined the 1990s deep house sound. Now captured in this monumental 6LP anthology boxset! Holds numerous classics that have been out of press for years. Out in January.

Rush Hour commits another slice of house history to vinyl with a 6LP anthology of Prescription – the legendary Chicago-based label founded by Ron Trent and Chez Damier in the early ‘90s.


Out January 2017, Word, Sound & Power covers two decades of music and contains a clutch of unreleased tracks, including ‘Energy,’ ‘Black Magic Woman’ (with vocalist Harry Dennis) and ‘History,’ as well as a number of songs that have been out of print for years.

Ron Trent launched Prescription with Chez Damier in 1993 and released around 20 singles over a four-year span. The pair parted ways in 1996, leaving Trent to run the label himself – its last release was a CD compilation in 2011.

“We had the idea to take a certain level of fidelity and bring that fidelity to what people call tracks – tracks being drum-orientated Chicago rhythm tracks with a minimalistic melody,” explains Trent on Prescription’s origin story. “We were playing with that idea, expounding a point of that minimalistic aspect and making it more complex.” Watch the trailer on the retrospective and see the full tracklisting below.


Vinyl 1:
A1 Morning Factory
A2 Prescription
B1 Don’t try it
B2 Seduction

Vinyl 2:
C1 Pop, Dip & Spin
C2 Energy
D1 Sometimes I feel like
D2 Angora

Vinyl 3:
E1 I Feel Rhythm
E2 Soul Samba Express
F1 Life For Livin
F2 Space Riddims

Vinyl 4:
G1 Foot Therapy
G2 On My Mind
H1 Morning Fever
H2 Love Is The Message

Vinyl 5:
I1 World, Sky & Universes – The Answer
I2 Ron Trent – Black Magic Woman feat. Harry Dennis
J1 Noni – Be My
J2 Warp Dub Sound System – Night Places Darkness Upon The Earth

Vinyl 6:
K1 Chez-N Trent – The Choice
K2 Ron Trent – History
L1 Ron Trent – The Meaning
L2 Ron Trent – Piano Track

Rush Hour will release Ron Trent Presents Prescription: Word, Sound & Power in January 2017.

Rush Hour Label Website



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