New measures have been proposed for Ibiza’s nightlife. As local authorities have felt that clubbing and party tourism has started to affect the island’s locals, San Antonio’s council is working on a plan to limit noise pollution in the tourist spot.

The plan includes the earlier closing time of 3 AM for all clubs and bars in the area. The new regulation would reduce closing times, now set for 5 AM in summer and 6 AM in winter.

Outdoor bars will also be affected, being forced to close at 11 PM. Shops can only accept guests from 11 PM onwards, to avoid long queues forming outside.

The measure still has to be approved by the municipal plenary and, if passed, it’s expected to come into force in February next year, making San Antonio a Special Acoustic Protection Zone (ZPAE).

In addition, nightlife establishments will have to install soundproofing measure such as double doors, sound limiters and airtight windows.

San Antonio’s environmental councillor, Pablo Valdés, released a statement saying that the current noise levels were “equivalent to having a train by your bed. […] We’re aware that these are tough measures, but we have a really serious noise problem in the urban centre.

Could seem like the death of the Ibiza we’re used to, but it’s actually not. Remember that San Antonio is just one area of the island, you will still be able to party and enjoy the nightlife…


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