They are back! Whether you are an hipster, a vintage collector or simply a nostalgic you’ll be happy to know that vinyls are back!

A brand new company called Vinylised has recently launched, it’s a crowdfunding platform to support both DJs who want certain tunes on vinyl and small independent labels that would like to press vinyl but don’t due to the risks involved financially.

Craig, Vinylised founder, was regularly hearing from DJ’s that they couldn’t find the tunes they wanted on vinyl anywhere, and had to either giving up or switching to digital. On the other hand, labels were struggling with the risk involved in pressing vinyl, and because of that they were sticking to digital only. So thanks to an innovative brand new idea the gap is about to be filled.

Collecting money from the crowd, thanks to crowdfunding: they use the familiar pre-order on the site, so don’t charge upfront, but collect all the details pledgers and then charge them at the deadline, only if the goal amount has been met.

Weight, colour, labels, sleeve are set with a collaboration with labels, as well as the retail price.

More infos here.


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