Gina Turner through yoga and her wellness concept, The Divine Movement, found a new way to make her two words of house music and spirituality collide.

This time, it’s thanks to a brand new project called ‘Integration‘ that features her cohort Tim Rothschild, who specializes in spiritual healing through meditation, yoga, and other holistic techniques.

‘Integration’ rises with a kicking house beat, slowing only to showcase a spoken word segment from Rothschild. It’s a curious, but a surprisingly welcomed dichotomy between the energetic soundscape and Rothschild’s soothing spiritual guidance.

Tim joined Gina Turner at the Smirnoff Sound Collective retreat in Joshua Tree earlier this year, where he led meditation, yoga and numerology sessions with artists.

‘Integration’ is out on iTunes and Spotify today, March 29.

You can listen to it here!


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