Marea Stamper, better known as The Black Madonna, will play every Friday at the venue from April through June. As is becoming the standard with the resident series, she will start and end the residency with an all-night long slot. The 13-week residency will commence on Friday 7th April and run till Friday 30th June.
She said: “There is no place like London and no club like XOYO, In my travels, I felt an immediate connection with the people of this city and the dancers in this club. It was a tremendous honor to meet you all as a guest, but it will be a phenomenal ride to get to know you as a resident. I can’t wait to share this adventure with all of you. We still believe.”
The lineups to be revealed at the end of February.
See what XOYO had to say about the new residency:
Head to We Still Believe website for more info.